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Kenya intensifies fight against Malaria

BY · April 22, 2015 07:04 am

Malaria is spread through the bites of an infected Anopheles female mosquitoes.

According to current estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), released in December 2014, there were about 198 million cases of malaria in 2013 and an estimated 584, 000 deaths. Most deaths occur among children living in Africa, a child dies every minute from malaria. Malaria mortality rates among children in Africa have been reduced by an estimated 58% since 2000.

The transmission of malaria depends on certain factors:

  • Climatic conditions that may support survival of mosquitoes, such as rainfall patterns, temperature and humidity.
  • When people with low immunity move into areas with intense malaria transmission, for instance to find work, school or as refugees.

In Kenya Reckitt Benckiser (RB), manufacturer of the popular household insecticide Mortein Doom launched an awareness campaign to run from 20th April to 15th May on social media. This was to ensure the public is updated on the fight against malaria in the country, especially expectant women and children below the age of 5.

“Increased malaria prevention and control measures are dramatically reducing the malaria burden in many places. In this regard, Mortein Doom has been involved in various vector control activities at the community level. We have worked with Pumwani Maternity Hospital and Kenyatta National Hospital, providing them with insecticide sprays to assist in malaria control especially among non-immune expectant women”, said RB’s Country Manager, Sachin Varma during the breakfast meeting on 20th April 2015 at Hotel Intercontinental.

With World Malaria Day coming this weekend on 25thApril, everyone is urged to participate in this campaign online, promoting the hashtag #WipeOutMalaria, this will go on for two weeks and on the third week expectant women will post pictures of their baby bumps and the different activities they do to avoid contracting malaria, whether it is sleeping under a mosquito net, using insecticide, e.t.c. The picture with the most retweets will receive an assortment of RB gift hampers, including Mortein Doom, Dettol, Airwick, among others. This will not only be fun, but also very informative.

The company has developed a variety of Mortein Doom products including the insecticide spray, liquid repellant and Powder which is accessible from shops and leading retailers worldwide. For every purchase a customer makes on a Mortein product he or she will support the fight against Malaria.

The campaign also looks at undertaking community sensitization campaigns geared at spreading the message that malaria is preventable through simple tactics such as draining stagnant water and slashing overgrown grass. This is to gear up on the efforts to bring this disease under control and achieve the goal to reduce incidences of malaria in countries by 75%, in line with World Health Assembly targets for 2015.

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