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This is What Ekaterina Handa Will Do For You Once Elected

BY Soko Directory Team · February 22, 2016 11:02 am

Ekaterina Handa is a lawyer who is determined to leave a lasting legacy as a member of a team that rebuilt LSK’s reputation of professionalism, probity, inclusivity and independence and contributed towards our mutual professional success.

 Once elected, the lawyer promises the following to the esteemed members;

  • To campaign for necessary systems that offer equal opportunities for all legal practitioners within the Society
  • To campaign for the establishment of systems that ensure value for money on operational and capital expenditure at the LSK
  • To advocate for an environment that promotes sound financial management systems at the Branch
  • To campaign for the set-up of a committee to curb provision of legal services by unqualified persons acting as advocates. 
  • To campaign and advocate for digitalization of Courts’ and Land Registries’ records including E-filing of cases and electronic payment of fees.
  • To campaign for an online platform for application and issuance of practicing certificates and to advocate for the affordability of the certificates.
  • To campaign for provision of subsidized or free online CPD courses
  • To campaign for the provision of life-style privileges for Members and other complimentary benefits when purchasing goods and services
  • To actively participate in relationship building and networking with cross-border Law Societies and Bar Associations.
  • To ensure that opportunities within the Society for professional enhancement are accessible to all.

 Ekaterina Handa believes in change. She believes in reforms. She actually knows that the business of doing serious business is serious business itself.

For lawyers at Law Society of Kenya, this is your time, to put your elected Council to work and open doors of opportunity for all members members; to rebuild LSK’s reputation of professionalism, probity, inclusivity and independence, thus to reclaim Our Society.

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