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Confused and Frustrated, What Next for Kenyan Pupils after Wasting a Year in the Scrapped Curriculum

BY Soko Directory Team · December 15, 2018 12:12 am

Kenyans are yet to come into terms with the recent directive from the Ministry of education to halt the rollout of the 2-6-3-3-3 curriculum and go back to the previous 8-4-4 system.

The postponement of the 2-6-3-3-3 curriculum leaves the young ones involved in these ‘trial and error’ piloting confused and with an academic gap that could destroy their entire lives academically if not stall it.

The millions of Kenya’s youngest pupils have been thrown into confusion on how to proceed after a year of their lives has gone to waste in a shambolic pilot that lacked any necessary planning which is embarrassing, to say the least.

The Ministry of education has wasted one year of the country’s youngest schooling generation and the Cabinet Secretary excusing herself that she has saved the Country from a mess that the same ministry created is just ludicrous!

I speak of the mother who was told not to enroll her child to school since the new curriculum demanded that the child be 4 years and above only to be thrown back to the 8-4-4 system that allowed children to start school at 3 years. That child is now a year behind academically, what is to happen to the nursery, class 1,2 and  3 children who spent a whole year in a curriculum that is no longer valid? How will these children proceed to the next classes?

The 8-4-4 system has been in operation since 1985, 33 years of implementation cannot be scrapped without involving all stakeholders and giving sufficient time for the implementation. The life of children is not something to be experimented on and the back and forth of curriculums has obviously wronged them.

Parents have not been spared from the pain given the much they have had to cough from their pockets to sustain the 2-6-3-3-3 curriculum that was rolled out before teachers could be trained on what to train. The training of teachers came in late as schools had already reopened for their first terms throwing parents, teachers, and pupils into confusion.

The Kenya Government will have to add the money spent to pilot the 2-6-3-3-3 curriculum into its wastages including a whopping 16 billion shillings that were spent to hurriedly publish books that were later termed as too erroneous. The published books were called out for containing very malicious errors that seemed to promote vices in the society. The taxpayer’s money was also pumped in training teachers and procuring study material which only adds to the wasted resources.

As Kenyans prepare for the release of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education results, the Ministry needs to master its craft and not play politics with the education system.

“The rollout of the new curriculum is important, but it cannot be rushed,” CS Amina told members of the Senate Education Committee before postponing the curriculums’ rollout but who will answer the many questions? How do we look the other side and pretend all is right in our education system?

Social media has since been awash as Kenyans poured out their frustrations in the best way they know how before another shocker distracts them. Below are a few sentiments;

‘Why is Amina frustrating the efforts of Matiang’i? I saw the new system is the best for our kids’

‘The Government, as usual, is playing games with the children’s future yet their own kids are safely tucked away in International schools getting quality education’

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