Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko, has suspended, with “immediate” effect an order that came into effect on Monday barring public service vehicles (PSVs) from entering the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD).
The ban saw thousands of passengers being dropped off far away from the CBD and being forced to walk to their places of work as well for other activities within and without the city.
Pregnant mothers, the sick, those with luggage as well as persons living with disabilities were adversely affected leading to a public outcry from both leaders and the Nairobians.
Speaking before the Senate on Monday, Mike Sonko had vowed that the ban was there to stay and that he would not suspend it saying that the people of Nairobi needed to keep physically fit by walking because most of them rarely “go to the gym.”
Matatu Owners Association had moved to court seeking the suspension of the ban but the court declined to issue a directive, giving the parties involved till 6th of December to iron out the issues before the hearing of the case. Nairobi senator Johnson Sakaja had also presented a case in court seeking the suspension of the same.
Major roads leading into the city experienced massive traffic jams the whole day of Monday running late into the night. The Governor has now bowed to pressure and suspended the ban which is said was “here to stay.”
Defending his decision to suspend the ban, the Governor says this will allow for further consultations between the transport stakeholders, clearly showing how he effected the ban without proper consultations.
“I have met this morning with the affected PSV operators with a view of agreeing an acceptable solution that has less negative implication on all affected,” said the Governor in a statement.
Now, as the Governor eats a humble pie, today the footbridges have a reason to breathe after sustaining the weight of thousands of people on Monday.