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Top 7 Kitchen Crops You Can Plant On Your Balcony In Nairobi

BY Juma · April 26, 2023 09:04 am


Balcony, terrace, or backyard gardening does not need a lot of work. For a balcony, all you need is either an old tire, a sack, a Jerrican, or even a carrier bag. You also need fertile soil, which you can get from your village or just buy. Yes. Buy. There are people selling fertile soils in Kiambu and in Naivasha.


Almost all the vegetables and fruits sold in Nairobi do not come from Nairobi. Most come from Kiambu and some are ferried in from Bungoma, Kakamega, and Eldoret. The few that are grown within Nairobi grow in raw sewage and dumpsites.

There is a common saying that Nairobi ni shamba la mawe. That Nairobi is a concrete jungle. Which is true. Nairobi is all a concrete jungle. Buildings all over the place. There is nowhere one can see free space. Any free space has a house or cabro.

Almost all the vegetables and fruits sold in Nairobi do not come from Nairobi. Most come from Kiambu and some are ferried in from Bungoma, Kakamega, and Eldoret. The few that are grown within Nairobi grow in raw sewage and dumpsites.

But did you know that if you have a balcony or a small space at the back, you shouldn’t be buying vegetables and some kitchen foodstuffs? Well, most balconies in Nairobi are used as stores to hold jerricans and other scrap but it is a gold in waiting.

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Balcony, terrace, or backyard gardening does not need a lot of work. For a balcony, all you need is either an old tire, a sack, a Jerrican, or even a carrier bag. You also need fertile soil, which you can get from your village or just buy. Yes. Buy. There are people selling fertile soils in Kiambu and in Naivasha.

Here are the crops you can plant. Remember you only need a few stems to push you along:

  1. Sukuma (Kales). One sack with stems planted vertically can support up to 30 stems. That is a whole plot for you.
  2. Spinach
  3. Onions
  4. Pepper
  5. Herbs like Rosemary
  6. Short fruits like Strawberry
  7. Dania/Coriander

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The economic hype and reduction of spaces in homes have led people to establish new ways of producing food for their families, especially within Nairobi. As people cry about bei ya mboga, they are happy and healthy because of what they consume.

People who live in towns and other limited spaces have established different types of kitchen gardens where they grow foodstuff for their families. The gardens help reduce budgets and ensure quality food production. Your rented apartment can be your small garden too. Get to it.

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Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it.(020) 528 0222 or Email:

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