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Kenyan Constitution, Chapter Nine, Part 2, Article 148 to 149

BY Juma · October 3, 2016 07:10 am

Article 148: Election and swearing in of Deputy President

(1) Each candidate in a presidential election shall nominate a person who is qualified for nomination for election as President, as a candidate for Deputy President.
(2) For the purposes of clause (1), there shall be no separate nomination process for the Deputy President and Article 137 (1) (d) shall not apply to a candidate for Deputy President.
(3) The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission shall declare the candidate nominated by the person who is elected as the President to be elected as the Deputy President.
(4) The swearing in of the Deputy President-elect shall be before the Chief Justice or, in the absence of the Chief Justice, the Deputy Chief Justice and in public.
(5) The Deputy President-elect assumes office by taking and subscribing–

(a) the oath or affirmation of allegiance; and
(b) the oath or affirmation for the execution of the functions of office, as prescribed in the Third Schedule.

(6) The term of office of the Deputy President shall run from the date of the swearing in of the Deputy President, and shall end–

(a) when the person next elected President at an election under Article 136 (2)(a) is sworn in;
(b) on the Deputy President assuming the office of President; or
(c) on resignation, death or removal from office of the Deputy President.

(7) The Deputy President may resign from office at any time by notice, in writing, addressed to the President and the resignation shall take effect on the date and at the time specified in the notice, if any, or if a date is not specified, at noon on the day after the notice is delivered.
(8) A person shall not hold office as Deputy President for more than two terms.

Article 149: Vacancy in the office of Deputy President

 (1) Within fourteen days after a vacancy in the office of Deputy President arises, the President shall nominate a person to fill the vacancy, and the National Assembly shall vote on the nomination within sixty days after receiving it.
(2) If a person assumes office as Deputy President under clause (1), then, for the purposes of Article 148 (8), the person shall be deemed–

(a) to have served a full term as Deputy President if, at the date on which the person assumed office, more than two and a half years remain before the date of the next regularly scheduled election under Article 136 (2) (a);
(b) not to have served a term of office as Deputy President, in any other case.


Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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