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TSC Releases New Academic And Professional Requirements For Teachers Registration 2023

BY Getrude Mathayo · November 23, 2022 12:11 pm


Further, section 23 (2) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012 provides that;  ‘A person shall not engage in the teaching service unless such person is registered as a teacher under the Act’. This requirement applies to both public and private learning institutions.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, Act 2012 Article 237, requires the commission to register all qualified teachers before they can teach in any public or private institution.

A teacher who meets the requirements for registration will be issued with the certificate of Registration bearing a TSC number within 30 days. The names of all registered teachers will be published every year

TSC has maintained its stance on the requirements for individuals looking to enter the profession. As a result, the conflict between the Commission and the Ministry of Education will intensify.

For students from underprivileged communities, the entrance grade to Teacher Training Colleges had been cut to D+ by the Education Ministry. The TSC has objected to this directive

“Pursuant to Article 237 (2) of the Kenya Constitution 2010, the Teachers Service Commission has a Constitutional mandate to among other functions, register qualified teachers and review the quality of education and training of persons entering the teaching service.

Further, section 23 (2) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012 provides that;  ‘A person shall not engage in the teaching service unless such person is registered as a teacher under the Act’. This requirement applies to both public and private learning institutions.

It is, therefore, notified for public information that requirements for registration as a teacher are provided for in Legal Notice No. 50 of 2016 (The Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers (Amendments), 2016)”. The latest Circular from TSC on minimum academic and professional qualifications for teachers.

Minimum Academic and Professional Requirements for Registration of Teachers ECDE Certificate

  1. Minimum of CPE/KCPE plus ECD Certificate from KNEC.
  2. Minimum mean grade D+(Plus) at KCSE and ECDE Certificate from KNEC.
  3. Minimum mean grade D (Plain) at KCSE, KNEC proficiency certificate, ECDE Certificate from KNEC

ECDE Diploma

  1. Mean grade C (Plain) at KCSE and ECDE Certificate from KNEC.
  2. Mean grade C+ (Plus) and above for
  3. University Diploma

ECDE Degree

Mean grade C+ (Plus) and above


  1. Minimum grade C Plain in KCSE and above
  2. PTE Certificate from KNEC
  3. Mean grade of C- (minus) for visually and hearing impaired persons

Diploma in Education

  1. Minimum grade C+( Plus) in KCSE and Above and C+ (Plus) in the two subjects Specialization
  2. At least C (Plain) in English
  3. C (plain) in Mathematics for Science-based courses
  4. D+( plus) in Mathematics in non-science-based courses.

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