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TSC Releases Promotion Interview Dates For School Administrators

BY Getrude Mathayo · March 15, 2023 01:03 pm


TSC says a total number of 5,436 primary school teachers will be promoted from grade B5 (Primary Teacher I) to C1 (Primary Teacher II), a total of 614 teachers from grade C1 to C2, and 5,208 from C2 to C3.


Kakamega will have the highest number of promotions under this category with a total of 551 teachers, who will include 227 teachers from B5 to C1, 36 from C1 to C2, and 288 from C3 to C4.

Garissa County on the other hand will have the lowest number of 38 teachers, being 21 from B5 to C1, 1 from C1 to C2, and 16 from C2 to C3.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released promotion interview dates for school administrators in counties.

According to TSC, a number of teachers who applied for the positions of Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher have received already received text messages inviting them for interviews next week. Many counties will have the interviews starting as early as Monday next week i.e., 22nd March 2023.

“Following your application for promotion to Secondary teacher I Advert 15/2023, you are invited for an interview on 22nd March at (interview venue) at (Interview time).” Reads the interview invite message, in part.

The commission plans to promote a total of 11,258 teachers on the common cadre in the current 2022/2023 Financial Year (FY) which is ending June 30, 2023. This is in addition to several other cadres that are lined up for the upgrade.

This revelation was made by TSC Secretary and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Nancy Macharia when she appeared before the Departmental Committee on Education. She had been required to file a report on the controversial teachers’ medical cover, promotion, and delocalization.

TSC says a total number of 5,436 primary school teachers will be promoted from grade B5 (Primary Teacher I) to C1 (Primary Teacher II), a total of 614 teachers from grade C1 to C2, and 5,208 from C2 to C3.

“For the year 2022/2023, the commission, subject to the budgetary provision, shall in line with Regulation 74 of (Code of Regulations for Teachers) CORT promote a total of 11,258 teachers in the common cadre promotions,” said Dr. Macharia in the report.

According to the data, Kakamega will have the highest number of promotions under this category with a total of 551 teachers, who will include 227 teachers from B5 to C1, 36 from C1 to C2, and 288 from C3 to C4.

Garissa County on the other hand will have the lowest number of 38 teachers, being 21 from B5 to C1, 1 from C1 to C2, and 16 from C2 to C3. Accordingly, the commission plans to promote another 13.717 teachers on competitive promotion and 1,021 on affirmative action in arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) and ‘Hard to Staff areas in the FY.

On the other hand, the commission also revealed that it had identified a total of 7,282 serving primary school teachers with requisite qualifications to be deployed to Junior Secondary Schools (JSS).

More mapping to identify eligible primary school teachers to serve in JSS is ongoing to address the shortages, with the qualifications being possession of either a Diploma in Education or a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, at least a C+ (plus) mean grade in KCSE or its equivalent. At least a C+ (plus) in two teaching subjects, and at least 8 units in each of the two teaching subjects.

According to Dr. Macharia, the TSC has been addressing teacher shortage in secondary schools by promoting and deploying primary school teachers since 2019.

The applicants will be required to present the following documents; during the physical interview sessions

  1. Original National ID card
  2. Original Academic and Professional Certificate
  3. Letter of appointment to the current grade
  4. Letter of appointment to the current post
  5. Analyzed individual subject results in KCSE examination for the last three years, certified by TSC CD/SCD
  6. Performance Appraisal Report for 2020, 2021, and 2022
  7. Any other relevant testimonials supporting your performance.

Related Content: TSC Salary Scale For Junior Secondary School Teachers And Principals

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