Airtel Kenya has today announced that it will sponsor this year’s BAKE Kenyan Blog Awards scheduled for 2nd May 2015. The awards aim to single out bloggers with great creative and innovative, useful and regular content and posts.
This year’s awards themed “Content is King” will bring together various online content creators including corporate organizations, celebrities, SMEs, county governments, and national government agencies for an evening to celebrate the growth of the Kenya blogging space.
With rapid development in internet awareness and penetration, the corporate world has discovered that the internet is the fastest and the most convenient platform to reach out to its target audience.
More and more Kenyans continue to plug into the information super highway as blogs emerge as a vital source information ranging from breaking news to analysis or commentary, blogs are increasingly commanding more authority as alternative sources of information. Through blogging there is now a second force for reporting. Bloggers are starting to influence mainstream content and opinions on topics ranging from technology, fashion, sports, politics and many other areas.
Speaking at a media briefing, Airtel Kenya CEO Adil El Youssefi said; “Airtel recognize the crucial role that Kenyan bloggers continue to play in providing real-time information hence the reason for our support in their continuous development.”
The awards started with the submission phase which ended on 18th February, enabling individuals to recommend their blogs or their favorite blogs for consideration. A group of 5 judges then went through the submissions, picking the best 5 in each category. It is in the Judging phase that the quality of each blog plays a great role in determining which of the 5 is capable of winning in the voting phase. Today marks the start of the voting phase where each of the 5 nominees will be required to rally their readers to vote in their favor. Kenyans can vote for their favourite blogs at
Speaking at the brief, the BAKE Chairman Kennedy Kachwanya said; “In line with our theme this year, we believe that bloggers continue to play a very important role in creation of quality content. We however need an increase in variety to cover topics such as Agriculture, Health and Education among others from areas that rarely get any coverage. Our goal as BAKE is to ensure that the stories from every Kenyan are told. We believe this can be done. Airtel’s partnership with BAKE as the title sponsors in this year’s awards is clear show of Airtel’s commitment to the promotion of Kenyan local content.”
Kenya has the third highest number of blogs in Africa. It is estimated that there are currently 15,000 created Kenyan blogs with the Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) having registered 7,000 blogs. There are 450Million created blogs worldwide.