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Safaricom is Transforming Lives

BY Juma · June 3, 2016 08:06 am

Safaricom Limited has now established itself as an economic giant within and without Kenya and it now a company that Kenya can actually not do without.

Talk of creating employment opportunities, making of some amazing profits as well as being one of the highest revenue paying company in the country and factors will point back to Safaricom.
Over the years, the telecommunication company has tried immensely to positively impact lives of communities through giving back. Remember the old say that ‘blessed is the hand that gives’? Safaricom strongly thrives on this saying, always striving to give back to the society.
Safaricom Foundation and M-Pesa Foundation are just some of the entities under Safaricom that are tailored towards making sure that the community is always better tomorrow than today.
For the years that the company has been in existence, it has proved to be a true believer of the future, making sure that the underprivileged believe that the future is more bright for them than their present situation.
Water is life. No one cannot purport to live without using water unless one is a certain sort of spirit or god. Safaricom knows this very well. The company has been bringing water where there was dust as well as plant life where there was none. Ngongithi sub-location in Kieni East is a true evidence of where the company has brought life through water.
The health sector in Kenya has been facing numerous challenges. Among them are inadequate drugs and medicine, poor infrastructure and fewer trained personnel.
Safaricom has over time and again partnered with other stakeholders in constructing as well as equipping of health facilities across the country.
The company has not forgotten about education either. One of the major objectives of Safaricom Foundation has been supporting bright and needy students to further and better their education.
The telecommunication company has also been on the forefront in funding and supporting of sporting activities such as the famous Safaricom 7s.
These are just but a few great things that Safaricom Limited has done. Give credit where it is due and Safaricom, indeed earns and owns this credit.
If other companies can emulate and imitate what Safaricom does in terms of giving back to the society, then the society will be very far.

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it.(020) 528 0222 or Email:

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