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Commodity Watch

Grocery Retailing Cheapest At Muthurwa Market

BY Juma · August 22, 2016 07:08 am

Muthurwa is one of the most famous markets within Nairobi. The market is known for its products and for the low retail prices. If you are planning to buy grocery at affordable prices then Muthurwa Market is the place you should be.

Tomatoes are retailing at 10 shillings for every four as compared to Ngara and Eastleigh where tomatoes are retailing at 10 shillings for every two and at some places, one tomato at 10 shillings.

Onions at Muthurwa are retailing at 10 shillings for every five (large ones), cheaper than 10 shillings for every two at Ngara and Eastleigh markets.

Green maize is retailing at 20 shillings for every three way much cheaper than 25 shillings for each at Juja Road and Mlango Kubwa markets.

Dry maize are retailing between 90 to 100 shillings for a 2-kilogram tin with a 90-kilogram bag going for between 3600 to 4000 shillings.

Beans are retailing between 180 to 220 shillings for every 2-kilogram tin with a 90-kilogram bag going for 8800 shillings.

See the table below:

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If you are thinking of where to buy your grocery and other smaller farm produce, make your way to Muthurwa.

In Bungoma County, onions are retailing the cheapest for those wishing to buy them on wholesale. A quick check at Kimilili market revealed that a onions weighing approximately 50 kilograms were going at 600 shillings as compared to 750 shillings in Bungoma town, 1000 shillings in Kakamega and 800 shillings at Kiminini town along Webuye-Kitale road.

See the table below:

Capture 2


Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it.(020) 528 0222 or Email:

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