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Kenyan Constitution, Chapter Ten, Part 1, Article 161 to 162

BY Juma · October 12, 2016 06:10 am

The Judiciary

Judicial authority and legal system

Article 161: Judicial offices and officers

(1) The Judiciary consists of the judges of the superior courts, magistrates, other judicial officers and staff.
(2) There is established the office of–

(a) Chief Justice, who shall be the Head of the Judiciary;
(b) Deputy Chief Justice, who shall be the Deputy Head of the Judiciary; and
(c) Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, who shall be the chief administrator and accounting officer of the Judiciary.

(3) The Judicial Service Commission may establish other offices of registrar as may be necessary.

Article 162: System of courts

(1) The superior courts are the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court and the courts referred to in clause (2).
(2) Parliament shall establish courts with the status of the High Court to hear and determine disputes relating to–

(a) employment and labour relations; and
(b) the environment and the use and occupation of, and title to, land.

(3) Parliament shall determine the jurisdiction and functions of the courts contemplated in clause (2).
(4) The subordinate courts are the courts established under Article 169, or by Parliament in accordance with that Article.


Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it.(020) 528 0222 or Email:

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