Devolved governments
Part 6: Suspension of a county government
Article 192: Suspension of a county government
(1) The President may suspend a county government–
(a) in an emergency arising out of internal conflict or war;
(b) in any other exceptional circumstances.
(2) A county government shall not be suspended under clause (1) (b) unless an independent commission of inquiry has investigated allegations against the county government, the President is satisfied that the allegations are justified and the Senate has authorised the suspension.
(3) During a suspension under this Article, arrangements shall be made for the performance of the functions of a county government in accordance with an Act of Parliament.
(4) The Senate may at any time terminate the suspension.
(5) A suspension under this Article shall not extend beyond a period of ninety days.
(6) On the expiry of the period provided for under clause (5), elections for the relevant county government shall be held.
Part 7: General
Article 193: Qualification for election as a member of county assembly
(1) Unless disqualified under clause (2), a person is eligible for election as a member of a county assembly if the person–
(a) is registered as a voter;
(b) satisfies any educational, moral and ethical requirements prescribed by this Constitution or an Act of Parliament; and
(c) is either–
(i) nominated by a political party; or
(ii) an independent candidate supported by at least five hundred registered voters in the ward concerned.
(2) A person is disqualified from being elected a member of a county assembly if the person–
(a) is a State officer or other public officer, other than a member of the county assembly;
(b) has, at any time within the five years immediately before the date of election, held office as a member of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission;
(c) has not been a citizen of Kenya for at least the ten years immediately preceding the date of election;
(d) is of unsound mind;
(e) is an undischarged bankrupt;
(f) is serving a sentence of imprisonment of at least six months; or
(g) has been found, in accordance with any law, to have misused or abused a State office or public office or to have contravened Chapter Six.
(3) A person is not disqualified under clause (2) unless all possibility of appeal or review of the relevant sentence or decision has been exhausted.