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For the Love of the Washing Machine That Makes You Smile

BY Juma · December 2, 2016 05:12 am

If an article that was recently posted online is anything to go by, many eligible bachelorrates are shying away from marriage. According to Jenny Kutner, the author of Why Millennial Women Are Staying Single, the modern woman is more focused on self-development and empowerment with career growth and advanced degrees taking the lead.

This leaves little or no time for the millennial woman to play house. This is not to say that the modern woman does not appreciate her role as the keeper of the home. She decries the myriad of house chores that become her responsibility immediately after her wedding night. Thankfully, technology is here to make life easier.

Take for example a recent addition to the washing machine family, the Samsung AddWash washing machine. This front load washing machine allows one to add any forgotten laundry, additional detergent or fabric softener to the wash at any time during the wash cycle without spilling water.

We’ve all been there: You’ve just started the washing machine, only to discover that you forgot to put a child’s uniform into the wash for school tomorrow. Or you’ve just set the weekly wash to go, and then find one sock or a few towels still lying on the bathroom floor. Or you decide to add fabric softener or you want to quickly refresh a favorite clothing before wearing it. You can even throw in hand-washing delicate items at the rinsing phase to save time and energy. Also, your hands will appreciate it.


“The new front-load with the AddWash feature will allow you to add anything you may have left out to make your laundry stress-free,” says Samsung Electronics East Africa Managing Director and VP Jung Hyun Park.

Furthermore, the best thing about marriage is being able spend quality time with your better half and the little ones. With so much to do and so little time, all one needs is technology that delivers outstanding results within a short period especially when it comes to laundry.

Fortunately, the AddWash washing machine utilizes Ecobubble™ technology that pre-mixes detergent with air and water, and then fills every inch of the drum with bubbles that penetrate the fabric 40 times faster than the normal mix of water and soap to deliver outstanding cleaning performance while delivering energy savings as well.

The Ecobubble™ technology has also proven to be gentle on fabric. “With its unique features, it is a perfect time-saving and convenient solution for busy families,” adds Mr. Park.

A major incentive of owning the Samsung AddWash washing machine is in its smart functions, which work with both Android and iOS smartphones. These not only make it easy to monitor the progress of the laundry program, but also offers the alert option on your smartphone just before the start of a new washing cycle, for example if you want to add a few delicate or hand-wash items towards the end of the wash cycle.

In addition, the sleek design of the AddWash door is also equipped with essential safety features such as a ‘child lock’, which prevents young children from accidentally opening the AddWash door.


Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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