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Water Crisis in Nairobi at Its Worst As Ndakaini Falls to 24 Percent

BY Soko Directory Team · April 25, 2017 05:04 am

Nairobians have been facing a historical water shortage for the last four months now and the situation is getting worse with no hope coming by soon.

Nairobi gets 80 percent of its water from Ndakaini Dam. Water levels in the dam have now dropped to 24 percent further killing the hopes of Nairobians breathing a sigh of relief from the ongoing water rationing.

The County Government of Nairobi begun rationing water in early January where most parts of the city have been receiving water once a week. Some areas, however, have not seen a drop of water for the last three weeks affecting mostly women and children.

The weatherman had predicted that the water crisis will reduce this month with the onset of the rains but the situation appears to be getting worse. The national government through the Ministry of Water and Irrigation promised to sink at least 40 boreholes across the city to help address the situation but ever since the promise, the work of sinking the boreholes has not begun.

The water crisis has however come as a blessing to water vendors who are milking hefty cash from the desperate Nairobians. A 20-litre jerrycan of water is now going for between 50 and 70 shillings from between 5 and 10 shillings with the prices being as high as 100 shillings in some parts of Nairobi.

The water shortage within the city has been as a result of the ongoing drought that has affected most parts of the country leading to the drastic reduction of water in Ndakaini Dam to an all-time low of 24 percent.

The long rains that had been expected to start at the end of March have failed with just a little amount of rainfall being witnessed is some parts of the country like the Western Region.

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