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Did You Know: There Are More Cats than People on Aoshima Island?

BY Juma · January 31, 2018 07:01 am

Did you know that there are more cats on Aoshima Island in Japan than human beings?

According to available data, Aoshima Island has six times more cats than human beings and it is sometimes known as “Cat Island.”

This is currently the only place on earth with significantly more feline residents than people and tourists are trooping to the island to see for themselves.

“Cats outnumber humans six to one on the island. Recently becoming popular online, tiny Aoshima has seen a steep rise in tourist visits, overwhelming the handful of permanent residents,” said one tour guide at the island.

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it.(020) 528 0222 or Email:

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