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Did You Know: You Can Be Jailed for Writing on your Money?

BY Soko Directory Team · June 25, 2018 12:06 pm

Did you know that all the money you have belongs to the government and that you can be jailed for mishandling it?

Did you know that you are not allowed to treat the currency you have in any way you want and you risk going to jail for any mistreatment?

Apparently, many Kenyans are not aware of the Central Bank of Kenya (Currency Handling) Regulations of 2010 that sets jail terms and fines for those who mishandle the currency.

For instance, did you know that you can be jailed for three years or pay a fine of 500,000 shillings for writing on a bank note?

There are those who walk around with torn notes. Did you know that if found you risk going to jail? What about those who damage coins by hitting them? That is an ‘injustice’ on money and you risk three years in jail.

There are people who have a habit of scratching their airtime by use of a coin. Did you know that you can go to jail for six months?

Those who use images of money to publish on their websites without the authorization of the CBK risk a penalty of 100,000 shillings and a daily surcharge of 10,000 shillings. Did you know this existed?

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