Cartoon Network’s Powerpuff Girls Awards set to be launched in August is aimed at empowering and celebrating young girls of between 9 and 14 years in Africa, who are seeking to showcase their super-powers.
These girls are ordinary little girls with superhero skills who have great ideas to change their world. Split into three categories, each representing The Powerpuff Girls’ characters, entrants will be able to submit projects in the ‘Science and Tech Inventor, Social Helper and Artistic Creator’ categories.
Cartoon Network is teaming up with the African arm of the international NGO, Save the Children, pioneers for children’s rights, as well as Africa’s very own Powerpuff Girl, Toya Delazy, in their quest to find some of Africa’s young, amazing, girl heroes.
They will be creating awareness about Awards by visiting schools across South Africa and Kenya, disrupting the superhero myth and showing them that young girls can save the world!
Each award category has been built on the inner power and special ability of each of the three super-cute, super-fierce Powerpuff Girls.
The Buttercup Award targets little girls who celebrate excellence in science and technology by developing an invention that has raised the bar, turning her vision into a reality. The Bubbles Award will go to a little girl who is always using her imagination to create artistic pieces, in any form, that is original and represents a girl’s empowerment. And the Blossom Award will be awarded to the entrant that is smart, positive and has a strong moral compass, someone who makes a remarkable difference for the greater good, teaches awe-inspiring lessons and wishes to take their idea further.
“The PPG Awards celebrates young African girls and their achievements. It aims to empower young girls to express themselves and never give up on their dreams,” says Toya Delazy, South African singer, and songwriter. “We hope that the PPG Awards provides a platform to bring out the strength that every young African girl carries within her and allows her to become the amazing little superhero that she really is!”
Entries for the awards open from 15 August to 15 October 2018. Each winner, from each of the three categories, will receive $1 500 to help bring their award-winning entry to life with the help of a dedicated mentor, including Toya Delazy as the Artistic Creator mentor.
“Save the Children is a Child Rights Organization which aims to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats its children. As the African arm of this organization, we are proud and honored to partner with Cartoon Network on this event,” says Gugu Ndebele, CEO Save the Children South Africa. “We cannot think of a better way to inspire change, than to partner with an organization that celebrates young girls and their achievements. We look forward to engaging with the young girls who rock for Africa!”