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Co-op Bank Scholarships: Willing To Study But Got No Money?

BY Soko Directory Team · November 21, 2019 11:11 am

Education is one of the most expensive items in any household budget and yet has the highest potential to liberate people from poverty,” Gideon Muriuki Managing Director and CEO Co-op Bank Group mentioned in a press release early this year.

This has seen Cooperative bank chip in with its Flagship Cooperate Social Investment program.

The flagship project of the Foundation is an education scholarship scheme for bright but less fortunate children who are facing difficulties in paying school fees for secondary education.

Through this program, the bank does not only grow financially but it has developed a deeper commitment to the growth of the society.

Shedding more light on the Coop foundation he touched more on the selection of the beneficiaries of this program. ‘Our scholarship beneficiaries are selected at the grassroots level by Co-operative Societies across the country through a well-established national delegates system. Co-operative Societies, who are the face of Kenya, identify well-performing students from disadvantaged backgrounds and bring these names into a regional forum where delegates debate and select the most deserving cases.

At the bank’s head office, our role is to process payments to the schools and monitor the students’ performance through the four years in secondary school. The top 28 in the Form Four examination each year are granted an additional full scholarship for their university education’ he diligently put the message across.

Since the initiation of the program and following this year 2019 intake, the Co-operative Bank has provided full education sponsorship to 6,985 deserving Kenyans, of whom 6,677 will have gone through secondary education and 308 university studies.

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This year has registered the largest number of candidates in the KCPE 2019 results, I’m positive the number of scholars that will be benefiting from the Coop Foundation Scholarships will be on the increase coming the next year 2020.

Want to find out how you can be a beneficiary of this foundation? Here’s all you need to know:

Scholarship Requirements:

  1. Result slip
  2. Copy of birth certificate
  3. Form 1 admission, including fees structure
  4. A brief statement indicating why the nominee/family is deemed needy and the Co-operative Society with which the parent(s) is/ were associated.
  5. Any other document (e.g payslip, death certificate, etc) which may aid the process.

 Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. The student must have qualified with a minimum of 350 points in the standard eight final examinations.
  2. The student must be from a needy family that is unable to support secondary education.
  3. At least one of the parents of the student must be or have been a member of a Co-operative society.
  4. Orphans will be eligible provided at least one of the deceased parents was a member of a Co-operative Society.
  5. Sponsorship is open for both public and private secondary schools provided that the fees payable per year do not exceed the sum of 50,000 shillings.

Make haste and apply for that scholarship it might be just what you need to catapult your life to the next level.

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