A spot check carried out by Sokodirectory in Nairobi, Nakuru, Eldoret and Kitale has revealed that Black beans, commonly known as Njahi is averaging at a retail price of 148 shillings per kilogram.
The black bean is being sold the highest in Nairobi, with a 90 Kg bag retailing at 14,500 shillings. In Nakuru and Kitale the same bag of Njahi is being sold at 13,000 shillings and 12,400 shillings respectively.
Market prices for Njahi were unavailable in Eldoret.
Beans Rosecoco emerged the second most expensive bean with a kilogram averaging at a retail price of 92 shillings across Nairobi, Nakuru, Eldoret and Kitale.
Beans Rosecoco are cheapest in Nakuru, where a 90 Kg bag is being sold at 6,000 shillings, meaning that a kilogram is going for about 67 shillings.
In Nairobi where Beans Rosecoco is the most expensive, a 90 Kg bag is retailing at 11,000 shillings while in Eldoret and Kitale, the same amount is retailing at 9,800 shillings and 6,300 shillings.
Here is the full list of prices of the different type of beans across the markets:
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