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Christmas: A Day To Reflect And Be Around Those Who Make You Happy

BY Juma · December 25, 2019 07:12 am

It is Christmas. As they say, it only comes once a year. For some, today is a day to celebrate while for some, there is nothing to celebrate about.

The economy is hard. The majority of Kenyans have yawning pockets. No money. No food. No new clothes as the good old days.

Stats show that 60 percent of Kenyans are poorer this Christmas as compared to 2018. This means at least 60 percent of Kenyans will not celebrate this day as they did in 2018.

You may not be having a job, you may just have lost your job, you may be mourning or you may be in pain, but if it is something you couldn’t control, don’t be so hard on yourself.

Today is a day to reflect. Today is a day to relax. Today is a day to forgive, plan and soldier on to a bright future.

Are you worried about something today? Is it something you can control? If not, why are you worried? Worry has never solved any problem. All worry does is to steal your joy and keep you busy doing nothing.

Life is like a book. Every page is different. You may be on a different page today. Don’t think that is your last page and, therefore, your destiny.

Life is how you see it. Sometimes it is all about perception. Success or failure often starts in the mind before manifesting itself. Be positive. Always find something to smile about.

Don’t be too serious with life. Nobody has ever come out of it alive. Stop trying to be like other people. Be you. Be original.

Life is too short to always be fighting. Life is too short to hate. Life is too short to be there for people who only see you as an option. Be happy and be around those who make you happy.

Have a blessed day. Merry Christmas!

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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