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Government and Policy

Price of Government’s Affordable Houses As Ministry Calls On Old Tenants

BY Soko Directory Team · February 5, 2020 09:02 am

The Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development, and Public Works is calling upon Civil servants who occupied the Park Road Estate to avail necessary documents that can act as evidence that they lived there.

The State Department has announced that it requires all the Civil servants who were made to vacate to promptly avail evidence that they once occupied the demolished homes.

The Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development, and Public Works has said that the evidence by civil Servants that lived in the now-demolished homes should be forwarded to the Civil Servants Scheme Fund Secretariat offices in Ardhi House.

The State Department for Housing and Urban Development is currently constructing 1,370 housing units for sale to the public and set to be advertised for sale soon.

Civil servants who were occupying the Park Road Estate and were given the notice to vacate to allow for the construction of the on-going Affordable Housing will be given priority to purchase the constructed units.

To download prices of the Government’s Affordable Houses, click on the link below Ministry Affordable Houses

Read Also China State Construction Hands Over Phase 1 of Park Road Housing Project

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