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Saving Our Mothers From The Shackles Of Smoke

BY Soko Directory Team · August 31, 2020 12:08 pm

The Clean Cooking Association says that 6.2 million households in Kenya depend on one mode of cooking. The Association says that 80 percent of the households that depend only on one mode of cooking depends solely on either charcoal or fuelwood.

71 percent of households in Kenya still use a type of woodstove as either their primary or secondary cookstove, with a greater prevalence of 92 percent in the rural areas.

At the same time, 5.5 million households own at least one charcoal stove with 1.3 million (10.3 percent) reporting using a type of charcoal stove as their primary cooking solution.

According to the study by the Association, 1.7 million households in Kenya (14 percent of the total population) use kerosene for cooking with 27.7 and 3.2 percent of urban and rural populations respectively reporting use. With the acute shortage of kerosene hitting the country, the use of charcoal has just gone up.

Is your mother in the village still using firewood to cook? Did you know that longterm exposure to smoke is among the leading cause of death? Did you know that you can save your mother from all these by getting her a jiko that not only saves on fuel costs but protects her against diseases that come as a result of smoke?

Did you know that the modernized Jikokoa uses 50 percent of less charcoal, with its makers saying it can cook at least three meals at a time. Burn Manufacturing currently produces a 1000 jikos a day, where they make one in every 40 seconds.

The company’s Communication Coordinator Nimo Nyambura says the company can produce up to 5,000 Jikos, based on demand. “Our production can also depend on the number of clients we are dealing with since sometimes we sell them in bulk and in a week, we are able to produce 5,000 of them,” she says.

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