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KNEC Releases Examination Papers For Grade 3, 4 And 5

BY Getrude Mathayo · February 1, 2022 11:02 am


Math, English, Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language, science and technology, agriculture, music, art and craft, social studies, religious education, physical and health education, and home science are among them.


KNEC has ordered schools to use locally available materials in carrying out the practicals so as to burden parents. Some parents have also raised concerns that schools are overcharging them for the KNEC assessment and practicals.

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has released Competency-Based Assessment (CBC) tools on the KNEC portal allowing schools to download, print, and administer the assessment.

According to KNEC, most schools are starting the assessment this week which covers Grade 3, 4, and 5 and involved written texts provided by the examiner.

Since learners in Grade Three were assessed in integrated areas from October to December last year, they will only be assessed in mathematics and English activities this year. The assessment in Grade Three is the first one that students will face at the national level as part of the competency-based curriculum (CBC).

It is given at the end of lower primary and is designed to assess the learners’ learning progress before they move on to the upper primary.

The assessment results are used to identify curriculum gaps and weaknesses for action by other agencies such as the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development and the Teachers Service Commission. Teachers at the school level will administer and grade the tests

Unlike traditional national examinations, the exercise, according to KNEC, should be carried out in a regular classroom setting. The assessment will not be used for placement and will not determine whether or not a student will progress to Grade Four because the transition is automatic.

KNEC has directed primary school principals to upload the results to the portal by February 21, 2022. While KNEC insists that the tests should not be as high-stakes as national exams, many parents and schools are taking no chances because of their implications.

KNEC has ordered schools to use locally available materials in carrying out the practicals so as to burden parents. Some parents have also raised concerns that schools are overcharging them for the KNEC assessment and practicals.

Headteachers have previously expressed dissatisfaction with the difficulty they had in downloading and printing the assessment tools.

According to a recent interview with the Nation, the CEO of the examinations body, Dr. David Njeng’ere, explained that teachers could download the tools and then upload them onto the digital devices available at public schools, while others use LCD projectors for the learners to access the materials.

He added that the Education Ministry is collaborating on a project to install internet in 1,000 public schools in outlying areas. Teachers will also assess students in grades four and five. Learners will be assessed in 12 learning areas under the regular curriculum.

Math, English, Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language, science and technology, agriculture, music, art and craft, social studies, religious education, physical and health education, and home science are among them.

Intermediate-level learners with special needs will be assessed in communication, social and literacy skills, daily living skills and religious education, sensory-motor integration and creative activities, and numeracy, environmental, and psychomotor activities.

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