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KNEC Examination For Grade Six Students Kick Off Today

BY Getrude Mathayo · August 29, 2022 12:08 pm


The Grade 6 learners have already done their projects and practicals which are also part of this national assessment. Art and Craft were about Making a marionette in home science it was about Stewing tests. Under music, it was about Performing a folk song.


All the Primary school results will be determined by the School Based Assessment (SBA), which is done every year in the upper primary classes, and the five-subject summative national examination.

Students will have 60 percent of the score coming from SBA spread over Grade four, five, and six plus 409 percent from the summative report.

Grade six students have started their national written tests today, Monday 29th August. This is after Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC, made available assessment materials on the portal for schools to download and administer.

Depending on preparation and readiness, some schools are set to start later. However, the dates for schools to download and upload the results stand. As per the KNEC directives on a circular, all schools have till the 9th of September to download and administer the written assessment tests.

In addition, after all the tests are done schools will also have till the 16th of September to upload the learner’s scores onto a KNEC online portal.

The Grade 6 learners have already done their projects and practicals which are also part of this national assessment. Art and Craft were about Making a marionette in home science it was about Stewing tests. Under music, it was about Performing a folk song.

Under Science and Technology, it was about Modeling a circulatory system while Under PE it was about Front crawling in Swimming, Rope skipping, and two-handed catching in Handball.

For the summative assessment, just like it will be in November, KNEC will assess the thirteen subjects offered at the upper Primary level using five papers of multiple-choice questions constituent as mathematics, English language, and Kiswahili/ Kenyan sign language.

All Schools are required to upload the project and practical work on the KNEC portal by 16th September. Integrated Science combines four subjects; Science and Technology, Agriculture, Home Science, and Physical and Health Education

Social Studies, Christian Religious Education/Islamic Religious Education/Hindu Religious Education, Art and Craft, and Music are under Creative Arts and Social Studies.

Grade six learners will also sit for their final exam in primary in November this year. The exam will be known as Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA). All the Primary school results will be determined by the School Based Assessment (SBA), which is done every year in the upper primary classes, and the five-subject summative national examination.

Students will have 60 percent of the score coming from SBA spread over Grade four, five, and six plus 409 percent from the summative report.

Related Content: CBC Confusion, Why Parents Should Worry As Grade 6 Set To Join JSS

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