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Stop Whining About The Floods, It Is An Act Of God

BY Juma · May 3, 2024 12:05 pm

David Ndii, the man who earns a salary from our taxes without a proper job description, told us to stop whining about the deaths caused by floods because “people die every time.” To him, those deaths mean nothing. It is just another statistic.

Some, within the same government have told us to stop whining about the floods because it is “an act of God.” And God is never questioned. And the floods should sweep us all if they so wish because we have no control over it. It is “an act of God.”

Strong swept a whole village in Mai Mahiu. Over 70 people have been confirmed dead. Some are said to be still trapped underground. The locals say the politicians left as soon as the cameras stopped rolling. But why worry? “People die all the time.”

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The whole of Mathare Area 1, raging floods swept away a place called Mradi. Over 15 people died, mostly women and children. More than a thousand others are marooned within Drive-In Primary School. There is no hope of starting over. But it is “an act of God.”

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has been flooding, not once but several times. The roof has been leaking like outside. The Cabinet Secretary only pops in there to pick his new designer suits, lectures us about colonialists, and disappears. Because the rains are “an act of God.”

As the rains continue to pound, people have been begging President William Ruto to declare the current floods a national disaster. But the man who has read the Bible than anybody else seems to be unmoved and things seem to be moving on normally.

So, ladies and gentlemen, stop whining. Stop screaming. These rains have not been caused by our Bible-loving leaders. This is “an act of God”. What is more, “people die all the time.”

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Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it.(020) 528 0222 or Email:

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