In the journey of entrepreneurship, the people you surround yourself with can be the wind beneath your wings or the chains that hold you back. While you need allies, mentors, and a strong network, it’s equally vital to steer clear of certain types of individuals who can derail your dreams and drain your energy. Just as a farmer knows to protect his crops from pests, an entrepreneur must guard against those who would hinder growth.
This year has been painful for me. The lessons have been many and deep, tears are still falling and blood is still dripping and it’s because of this that I would like to talk about the people we surround ourselves with, to showcase how we self-sabotage ourselves coz of the bonds we make without clear forethought.
The Wheelbarrow People: The Energy Drainers
Imagine trying to push a loaded wheelbarrow up a hill. Every step feels heavier, and no matter how much effort you put in, it seems to demand more. Wheelbarrow People are just like that—they burden you with their needs, constantly relying on your strength without offering anything in return. They sap your energy and waste your time, expecting you to carry their weight while contributing nothing. In business, your time and energy are your most valuable assets. Protect them fiercely by distancing yourself from those who only consume without contributing.
A wise man once said, “Do not tie yourself to a rock and expect to swim.” Just as a rock will pull you under, Wheelbarrow People will weigh down your progress. Free yourself from them, and watch your business soar.
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The Mosquito People: The Benefit Extractors
Mosquitoes are small, yet they can cause significant discomfort, even spreading disease. Mosquito People behave similarly. They hover around, seeking to extract whatever benefits they can, while injecting negativity and toxic behavior into your life. They bring nothing positive to the table, yet they always seem to take more than they give.
There was once a garden where a single mosquito kept biting the gardener, distracting him from his work. The gardener realized that to tend to his plants properly, he had to eliminate the mosquito. Likewise, eliminate the Mosquito People from your life, so you can focus on nurturing what truly matters—your business.
The Scaffolding People: The Controllers
Scaffolding is essential during the construction of a building, but once the structure is strong, it’s no longer needed. Scaffolding People enter your life during crucial moments, offering help or support. However, they don’t know when to step back. Instead, they cling to you, seeking control and recognition for their contribution. They want to keep you under their influence, stifling your growth and independence.
A bird that never leaves its nest will never learn to fly. Scaffolding People may have helped build your nest, but if you allow them to confine you, you will never soar to new heights.
The Crocodile People: The Pretenders
Crocodiles lurk beneath the surface, appearing calm but ready to strike at any moment. Crocodile People are pretenders who hide their true intentions, getting close to you only to learn your secrets. They are deceptive, often using the information they gather against you in times of conflict. These individuals are masters of gossip, backstabbing, and betrayal.
Trusting a crocodile with your back is akin to placing your hand in its mouth. Keep your distance from Crocodile People, for their bite can be fatal to your business.
The Chameleon People: The Envious Monitors
Chameleons change color to blend into their environment, and so do Chameleon People. These individuals pretend to be your allies but are secretly envious and jealous. They are always watching, not to support you, but to catch you in a mistake or outdo you in some way. Their competitive nature is unhealthy, and they never celebrate your successes—only your failures.
A tree that grows under the shade of another never receives enough sunlight. Chameleon People will keep you in their shadow. Step into the light by surrounding yourself with those who genuinely want to see you grow.
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The Naysayer People: The Dream Killers
Naysayers are the voices that echo doubt and negativity. They focus on what can go wrong, always highlighting the obstacles instead of the opportunities. They are quick to criticize and slow to support, creating problems where solutions should be found. These are the people who will tell you that your dreams are impossible and that you should settle for less.
A seed planted in barren soil will never sprout. Naysayer People are barren soil for your dreams. Seek fertile ground—people who believe in possibilities and nurture your aspirations.
The Garbage Pusher People: The Harbingers of Negativity
Garbage Pusher People are like those who bring bags of trash into your home. They are filled with negativity, constantly spreading discouraging news and demoralizing information. Their lives are cluttered with debris, and they seem intent on making yours the same. These individuals thrive on bad news and love to share it with you, pulling you down into their pit of despair.
A house built on solid ground will stand firm, but a house filled with garbage will soon collapse under the weight. Keep your business environment clean by refusing to allow Garbage Pusher People into your life.
Protect Your Energy, Guard Your Dreams
As you navigate the challenging path of entrepreneurship, remember that your success is influenced not just by what you do, but by whom you surround yourself with. Just as a shepherd carefully selects the sheep for his flock, choose your companions wisely. Ensure that those around you are positive influences who uplift and inspire you, rather than dragging you down. Disconnect from the seven types of people who will hinder your progress, and you will find that your life and business move in the right direction, powered by the right relationships.
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