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TransUnion Nipashe is Here for You

BY · September 1, 2015 10:09 am

Knowing the status of your credit before making the first move to look for financial assistance from lending institutions is a very important step for everyone, be it an individual or a group simply because getting a loan from banks and other financial institutions today can be quite a hustle and indeed an embarrassment if you do not know what your credit rating is only to be told by the bank attendant that you cannot get that loan which you badly need.

TransUnion CRB understands that a good credit history can help you get credit when you need it, allowing you to take advantage of the wide range of opportunities in the banking industry when you need to take a loan. With Nipashe, you can get all the information you need concerning your eligibility to secure a loan.

With TransUnion Nipashe, a consumer or a group of individuals who wishes to apply for a loan will be made aware of the information forwarded from lenders to put them in a position to verify whether the information is accurate and whether that will prohibit them from taking loans, they will also know whether the status of their credit permits them to go for lending from lending institutions.

Nipashe also makes the consumer aware and wary of fraud and identity theft that involves them, what with the numerous people who impersonate others and use their identities to take loans hence compromising their records. The consumer is also afforded the ability to conveniently check his or her credit status before borrowing from a bank which saves him or her the time and stress of going to ask for loans when you’re not eligible for one.

Gone are the days when one used to visit the banking halls, moving up and down with papers before knowing whether he or she qualified for a loan. TransUnion Nipashe has made the whole process an easy process. All you need is to have a mobile phone and follow the following simple steps,

  1. Text your name to 21272or 21CRB.
  2. Register by paying KShs. 50 through your phone. This is a one-off payment and the amount is sent through the paybill number 212121
  3. Provide your Identity Number (ID) which will be used as your account number.
  4. Request to know your credit status from TransUnion Nipashe. The report will be sent to you instantly

With TransUnion Nipashe you are fully protected from fraudsters, well prepared on the available lending channels as well as leading an improved financial life.

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