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What does IFMIS Do?

BY · September 2, 2015 12:09 pm

The introduction and growth of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector can play a key role in fighting corruption in the public finance system through promotion of greater comprehensiveness and transparency with information across all levels of government in this devolved system of governance.

The introduction of the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMIS) is a core component in financial reforms in Kenya both at the National as well as at the Count Governments level as the system generally seeks to enhance confidence and credibility of any given budget through transparency and accountability.

IFMIS seeks to improve budget planning and execution through the provision of timely and accurate data for both budget management and decision making by allowing a more standardized and realistic budget formulation across government and eliminates all possible channels through which public funds can be mismanaged.

With IFMIS, there will be a decentralization of all financial functions and processes under the overall control of the Ministry of Finance to ensure financial discipline which will see the reduction in operational costs through the reduction of administrative tasks as well as civil servants’ workload.

The most important thing about IFMIS is that there will be strengthened efficiency of financial controls by making comprehensive, reliable and timely financial information available to the Auditor General, parliament, as well as investigative and prosecutorial agencies.

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