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School Ranking is Back, will this Help Ease the Situation?

BY Juma · August 4, 2016 06:08 am

Education is one of the key pillars of the economy of any given country. When the education sector suffers, all other economic sectors feel the heat.

In the recent months, the Kenyan education sector has been ailing despite the numerous changes and developments being put in place by the Ministry of Education.

More than 120 secondary schools have been burned down by students in what has been said as a missing cordial link between the teachers and the students.

Claims, however, came up that the recent wave of school fires was as a result of corrupt cartels and mafias who used to benefit from the lucrative business of examination leakages.

Dr. Fred Matiang’i, the Cabinet Secretary for Education has put in place some strict measures including doing away with any gatherings within the schools during third terms as well as banning midterm breaks as a way of curbing examination cheating.

Read: Burning Down of Schools Needs to Be Addressed Urgently

One of the way that was blamed for often leading to examination cheating was the ranking of schools. It was said that most schools engaged in examination malpractices so as to be seen at the top and attract more students. It had become something like a business, something like a do or die said the stakeholders.

The ranking of schools was then banned. This brought a public outcry for some felt that it will kill both the morale of teachers and that of students. On Wednesday, however, the National Parliament passed a Bill authorizing the reintroduction of the ranking of schools.

Is this going to help the already getting worse situation? Since most students in Kenya now appear to have mastered the skill of being exam phobic, is the ranking of schools going to put so much pressure on them?

Read: Parents to Pay for Burned School Property as Incidences Continue to Grow

Soko Directory would like to add its voice on this matter. As a business analytic media, we believe that education is as important in enhancing business as any other sector. If the ranking of schools is back, then the stake holders should consider the following:

In the past, both national schools and village schools have been ranked under one category as a measure of performance. The fact is you cannot put a student from Alliance Boys High School who has everything he needs at the same level with a student from Soysambu Secondary School who even struggles to get a textbook.

The stakeholders should consider ranking national schools alone, then County Schools and they move down the lane.


Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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