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Greed as MPs Plan to Raid Public Coffers for Billions

BY Juma · February 9, 2017 07:02 am

Members of Parliament in Kenya are demanding more than 3.3 billion shillings for the eight months they will not be in Parliament as the D-day for the August General Elections draws closer.

Members of Parliament now claim that holding the elections on August is a terminating their “contract” prematurely saying that their term was supposed to come to an end the month of May 2018.

They are now threatening not to approve the 2017/2018 national budget which is set to be tabled and read on April, a shift from the month of June as a result of the August polls.

If the demands by the greedy Members of Parliament will met, then the taxpayer will have to dig deeper in their already almost empty pockets to pay them the more than three billion shillings.

In what is likely to make matters even worse, Members of County Assemblies have also made a similar request for the government to pay them salaries for the months they will be out of office.

The demands by the politicians comes at a time when the government has insisted that it cannot pay doctors according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement that was signed in the year 2013.

Doctors have been on a nationwide strike for 68 days now demanding for the implementation of the 2013 CBA which among other things gave them a salary increment of 300 percent.

Lecturers are also on strike and the same legislators have uttered no word about it. The mainstream media appears to have given the strike by dons a blackout.

Politicians are also demanding billions for no work done at a time where more than 2.7 billion Kenyans are at the brink of dying of starvation. Statistics show that the number of Kenyans in need of relief food has increased from 1.4 million to 2.7 million at the end of the month of January 2017.

Related: Only 1.5 million Kenyans Registered as Voters on the Second Week; Will IEBC Hit the 6 million Target?

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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