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Political Party Nominations: Are We Reliving the 2007/2008 Election Era?

BY Soko Directory Team · April 21, 2017 06:04 am
By Amina Faki,

As the party primaries are in the process the most disturbing question is that are we as a country experiencing the same events that happened back in the 2007/2008 party nominations and general elections?

Recently we have witnessed anomalies in the primary party nominations with so much violence. This concurs with the primary party nominations elections that took place back in 2007 where votes were rigged, missing names on the ballot papers and violence to some extent.

Some of the parties were the same, like ODM and the other was PNU. What we are currently witnessing at the primary party could just be a replay of the same events that took place back in the 2007 political era.

The confusion and chaos that characterize party and parliamentary civic nominations in 2017 is clearly a sign that we are reliving the 2007 era. Across the country, the nominations are delayed in almost all the polling stations in some cases starting as late as two in the afternoon.

In some situation, voters have to be moved from one polling station to the other amidst the confusion of which party will be at which polling station.

In preparations on the part of the part of the political parties was evident, none of the parties had proper ballot boxes leading them to use alternatives as ballot boxes eg plastic bags and containers.

The ballot papers in the ODM party primary elections were a list of candidates, in many situations the voters required to write the name of their candidate of choice on a different paper.

This situation has in most cases as witnessed sparked the idea of rigging and also the rage in voters.

Lest we forget the 2007 situation, we are experiencing the same situation; ballot stuffing, late delivery of ballot materials, claims of direct nominations angering party members.

Have we learned any lessons from the 2007/2008 elections?

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