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Potato Prices Skyrocket Across the Country

BY Soko Directory Team · April 27, 2017 08:04 am

Irish Potato prices have greatly gone up since the start of 2017 and as a result, it has affected the price of foods prepared from it. This has mostly been as a result of the ongoing drought in most parts of the country.

In Nairobi, take away food joints where most people prefer due to their affordable nature of foods like chips, going at as little as 50 shillings per plate have increased the bill to not less than 80 shillings for the same plate.

This is seen from the fact that in January 2017, the highest market price for a 50-kilogram bag of red Irish potatoes was retailing at 3,400 shillings Kisumu followed by Nakuru at 3,200 shillings, 2,800 shillings in Nairobi and Isiolo respectively, 2,500 shillings in Kisii and Wajir had the lowest market price of 2,300 shillings.

White Irish potato on the other hand also had almost the same price range for every 50-kilogram bag, going at the highest market price of 3,400 shilling and the lowest price was 1,800 shillings as shown in the table below:

Red and White Irish potato prices in January 2017:


In a span of four months, from January to April, the market price for Irish potatoes has been going up and currently, a 50-kilogram bag of red Irish potatoes is being sold at 3,500 shillings in Nairobi up from 2,800 shillings in January.

White Irish potatoes have followed the same trend and it is being retailed as follows in selected towns across the country: 3,800 shillings in Kisumu, 3,350 shillings in Kitui, 3,250 shillings in Nakuru, 3,300 shillings in Nairobi, 2,900 shillings in Meru and 2,600 shillings in Eldoret.

Red and white Irish potato prices in April 2017:


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