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Nuns and Police Kick Out Staff and Patients From St. Mary’s Hospital Lang’ata

BY Juma · December 28, 2017 03:12 pm

Drama unfolded at St. Mary’s Hospital in Lang’ata after nuns in the company of armed police evicted both the staff and patients.

The nuns from the Assumption of Sisters Nairobi forcefully evicted the old management at the hospital, went to the wards, threw out patients with those who could run scampering for safety.

The ownership of the hospital has been under contention in court for the last six years and the nuns were granted orders by the court to take over the ownership.

The hospital, before the drama, was under the management of the American Missionary, William Charles Fryda who was initially the manager of St. Mary’s Hospitals.

The nuns came armed with their own medical staff and wanted the old staff and management to leave.

However, some Kenyans across social media see the move more than meets the surface. Some say that the owner has taken a political turn. Here is a screenshot sent to one Boniface Mwangi, an activist for human rights:

Some people have accused the nuns of hiring goons to evict the patients and the old staff. The allegations are yet to be substantiated.


Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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