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Safaricom: Putting the Numbers into Perspective

BY Soko Directory Team · August 2, 2019 06:08 am

Being the leading telecommunication company in Kenya, Safaricom has a lot to boast for owing to the efforts and impacts it has pumped to the growth and development of the country.

Apparently, Safaricom holds the best statistics among the best investors in Kenya, with several services and aiming to empower and contribute towards the well-being of the society.

Contributions to society.

  • Economy

Safaricom pumped a total of 601 billion shillings of value to the economy in FY2019.

  • Health

500 community dreams were fulfilled through the “Ndoto Zetu” initiative. 65000 mothers benefitted from the maternal and child health program. 266 women benefitted from fistula surgeries.

60 percent of children in Kenya were immunized up from 49 percent in 2018 through the Safaricom Foundation’s initiative (Uzazi Salama). 160 children with disabilities treated and 78 linked to various schools countrywide.

Safaricom has made efforts to ensure sufficient supply of water to the drought-stricken parts of the country where at least 20,000 people now have access to water.

  • Employment.

Safaricom has been at the forefront of creating job opportunities through continuous inventions and inventions.

Currently, Safaricom has employed 6323 permanent employees with consideration of the young population, women and differently-abled.

900,000 people have gotten direct and indirect jobs sustained in the entire economy.

21 percent of those employed by the company are those in the 20s and 64 percent are in their 30s.

2.1 percent of the total population are differently-abled employees.

Women are clearly accounted for as they have taken a 50 percent share of employment in the company and 34 percent of the women are in senior management.

  • Youths

More than 29000 youths have been empowered through training and access to loans, Enterprise skills and job opportunities through various Safaricom platforms.

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Customer statistics.

In order to enhance and improve quality services to their esteemed customers, Safaricom had to initiate various operations in 2019.

  • Enhanced Network and data

A total of 57 percent has access to 4G network up from 35 percent in FY18.

93 percent of Safaricom users have access to the 3G network up from 86 percent in FY18.

There has been a 41.9 percent reduction on the average rate per megabyte.

The length of metro fiber optic cables has increased where 6700 km of the cables have been deployed up from 5000km in FY18.300,000 homes have fiber cables near them up from 140,000 in the previous year.

  • Mobile Money

M-Pesa has its share as the company boasts to have 160,000 M-Pesa agents, 123,000 active Lipa na Mpesa merchants. As of December 2018, Kenya had 31.6 million active users of mobile money transfer services.

READ ALSO: Pay for your Dream Phone in 6 Months at 0 Interest Thanks to Safaricom 

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