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Here Is The Best Business To Run And Make Money At This Time

BY Juma · March 31, 2020 09:03 am

As the world continues to battle the fast-spreading Coronavirus, businesses are feeling the heat, not only in Kenya but around the world.

In Kenya, businesses such as hotels have closed down and sent their employees on indefinite unpaid leave with the hope of resuming work as normal lying in oblivion.

The government ordered the closure of all bars and clubs across the country to prevent the spread of the deadly Coronavirus that has now killed over 32,000 people around the world.

With just 50 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, Kenya says it is anticipating at least 1,000 confirmed cases in the next two weeks as mass testing kicks off.

The SME sector in Kenya has greatly been affected by most businesses saying they are only able to pay their employees’ salaries for the month of March and not beyond.

What kind of business can one set up right now and make a killing? Well, in the last two weeks demand for alcoholic drinks on online platforms has spiked by at least 200 percent.

NOTE: Did you know that y also doing business for sale, there’s an opportunity for you to get a good profit?

With the closure of bars, most Kenyans are taking their drinks from their houses and almost all of them are ordering them via online platforms.

READ: Tuskys Supermarket To Sell Ugali Nyama At Ksh 100

Starting a wine and spirits business right now, before a complete lockdown is a business that will fetch you some good money. Make sure your prices are competitive, have an online platform, deliver to customers but at the same time observing high hygiene levels as directed by the government.

There is also an increased demand for vegetables and fruits. Kenyans are buying greens en masse and stocking up in anticipation of a total lockdown from the government. You make it easy for them by delivering yours to them.

There is a lucrative business in selling sanitizers. Make sure you are selling genuine products that will make your customers satisfied. What about tissue papers? Well, it seems a funny business but people are making lots of cash just by selling tissue papers at this time.

READ: What the Government Can do to Cushion the Impact of Coronavirus on Businesses

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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