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237 Kenyans Dead In 30 Days Due To Ravaging Floods

BY Juma · May 14, 2020 06:05 am

At least 237 Kenyans have lost their lives in the past one month as a result of the ravaging floods that are sweeping across the country according to Devolution CS Eugine Wamalwa.

According to the CS, a total of 161,000 families, roughly 807,000 people have been affected by floods with the majority of them left homeless with no food.

The rains are expected to spill over into the month of June and the Government of Kenya has called on Kenyans to be on the lookout and expect the worst in the next 30 days or so.

“We expect floods to worsen. We, therefore, appeal to Kenyans living in flood-prone and landslide-prone areas to move to safer grounds,” said the CS.

In Budalangi alone, more than 44,000 people have been displaced by the floods with the Government saying that it will continue distributing relief food to them.

Reports have, however, emerged of some government officials both at the national and county government misusing funds meant for persons affected by the raging floods.

Killing more than Covid-19 in Kenya

It is obvious that floods in Kenya have killed 5 times more Kenyans that Covid-19 but the information on floods has been scanty as all the attention is focused on Covid-19.

Leaders from areas affected by floods have been calling on the National Government to declare floods as a national disaster saying that properties worth billions have been destroyed and hundreds lost their lives.

The government, through the Ministry of Interior, has said that Kenyans who will refuse to heed the call to move from flood-prone areas might be moved by force.

Food crisis

Kenya is likely to face a food crisis in the near future after floods swept off most of the crops in various counties such as Busia, Kisumu, and Mandera. This is likely to lead to an increase in prices for the same.

READ: 164 Dead As Floods Continue To Sweep Across 29 Counties

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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