True leadership reveals itself during a crisis. Unfortunately in Kenya, what has revealed itself is basically a clueless administration that is best known for theft, corruption, and incompetence.
At the level, I have reached. With the anger that I have felt and the frustrations that I am going through, my views of this government are no longer personal. Every deed and action done by this administration has been solidified into absolute facts.
When feelings and opinions become absolute facts, then it’s pointless to become personal. Our administration has failed and unfortunately, we are not able to Marshall enough emotional anger and demonstrate to demand accountability and their resignation.
We are caught between situations where our survival is key and most of us are afraid of weaponized government agencies that can be set on us. We have seen it happen. I believe it is our second nature at the moment.
During the last address by the President of the Republic of Kenya, he was clear. He was frustrated. He didn’t really give a rats ass about the rest of us. He said we cannot lock down the country’s economy indefinitely. At some point, we will have to open up and if things get worse, then the blame will be on you. He meant, if the virus consumes us all, then the blame will on us. Basically, he was saying, it is up to you, I need to focus on what’s more important and that’s my business and if you do not take care of yourself, then the blame is on you.
I mean, definitely, reopening the country without prudent and scientific measures, will lead to an implosion of the virus and the healthcare system will be overwhelmed. This will be catastrophic. But leaving that responsibility to a broke, hungry, sick people is not only irresponsible but repugnant to what is right. This is not leadership.
It’s become clear that decisions around this COVID-19 pandemic have been informed and have been at the behest of the interests of those connected to this administration. It’s not been about the people of Kenya and the future generations.
During the flood in the Bible, when Noah built the ark, it rained for 40 days. But after the rains, Noah and the animals in the arc had to wait for over 150 days before they could venture out again. That situation is similar to us today. The COVID-19 pandemic made us stay indoors. It’s been a couple of months and now, it’s time to venture out again. What did Noah do to ensure that it was safe to come out? He first sent out a raven, to confirm. The raven never returned. He then sent out a dove, which came back immediately. He waited seven days then he sent the dove out again. It came back with a branch and flew away, indicating, it was safe to come out. This is Genesis Chapter 6 all through Chapter 8. The old Testament. It’s an interesting story. With valid lessons on leadership.
Which brings me to the next issue, what method is this administration using to reopen the country? Or they are being guided by their selfish business interests? What scientific method are we applying? Do we even have any data to show if the curfew orders and the partial lockdown have worked? Honestly, I believe none and this is my concern. We have a clueless administration that is full of corrupt elements making decisions that affect millions at the behest of their greed.
The whole country is broke. Families are broke. We have run out of food. We have no money. We need to move. We need work. We need help. However, we are cognizant of the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic is not a joke and must be taken seriously. However, hunger versus a disease? That’s the question on the lips of many.
We are all waiting for the 6th of June 2020 to hear what the Government will say. Will they Institute new measures given that positive cases being announced on the daily have reached 3 digit numbers? Or will they ease the measures and allow the return to normalcy?
Will the lives of Kenyans matter or it will be business as usual.