A United Nations expert has predicted that more Desert Locusts will invade the Horn of Africa in June and July.
According to the UN expert, the next swarm of locusts will be larger due to the favorable breeding conditions at the horn of Africa and by July, the insects will move towards Asia.
‘We expect that in the second half of June, another swarm of locusts will reach the Horn of Africa and then, in July, migrate to Asia via Somalia,’ said Keith Cressman and expert in Locust Behavior from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
The UN Expert said that the swarm of locusts will come in large numbers and also remain active for longer if the Weather conditions in the area favor their survival.
Fighting the locusts has been a big challenge to most affected countries since more resources are required and the situation is even made worse as their numbers continue to rise.
Mr. Cressman argues that at least 232 million dollars is needed to contain the locusts but currently, only 130 million has been set aside in the fight.
Up to now, nine countries have been affected by the locusts including Kenya, Somalia, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Sudan. Eritrea, Southern Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, and Yemen are yet to witness the invasion.
In Kenya, at least 18 out of 47 counties have witnessed a locust invasion where up to 17,000 hectares of farms were infested since the pests first visited the country in 2019.
Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya, however, said the locusts have been controlled to a manageable level and currently, only five countries are battling the destructive pests. The locust infestation is the worst Kenya has ever witnessed in 70 years.
The locust invasion comes amid the Covid-19 pandemic, which also threatens food production in the East African region and the entire world.