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Entrepreneur's Corner

Dear Entrepreneur, Here Is How To Improve Your Employees Experience

BY Getrude Mathayo · January 23, 2021 08:01 am


The employee experience is the sum of all the interactions your employees have with your company.

Companies and brands spend endless hours on improving customer experience. But what about the employee experience?

In an effort to drive retention and increase performance, employers are focusing on making the office a place that more employees want to be instead of having to be.

The employee experience is the sum of all the interactions your employees have with your company. It involves the culture, benefits, physical work environment, and tools you provide for employee success, and it can be linked to revenue.

Improving employee experience is a multi-faceted approach to attract and retain top talent while driving engagement. The number one reason for people leaving companies is disengagement

Improve Internal Communication

Internal communication teams do much more than just disseminating company information. They foster a sense of community, encourage employees to work together for a common goal, and create a cohesive company culture.

When employees have an increased sense of purpose they’re more productive and become brand advocates and ambassadors for your company

Do not overload your employees

Pay attention to how you split the work among your co-workers. Oftentimes, bosses are increasing the workload on some of their best team members because they are providing the best results.

Offer competitive salary packages

If you want to keep top talented people, then you’re going to have to pay them well. Make sure to pay your employees what they’re worth. Allow room for future promotions and pay raises as certain milestones are hit and the employee brings more value to your company

Review their work several times a year

Provide positive and where applicable constructive feedback whenever necessary. Do not wait one year to inform them how well they are working or if they need to improve in some ways.

Hire selectively.

Hire only those individuals with whom you feel you can work, not only those who have the best resume and work experience. The most qualified person is not always the one who will help your company in the long-term.

Implement stay interviews

While exit interviews are valuable, they don’t help you keep an employee that’s about to leave. Stay interviews are individual conversations between the boss and employee that help companies understand what’s important to employees.

Act on employee feedback

Many organizations implement employee engagement and feedback surveys to understand where their employees are at, but not all act on that feedback. This can backfire on employees and cause a loss of trust.

Improving Your Work Environment

It’s obvious to say that companies without a proper program in place to improve the workplace will have problems retaining their key employees. How long would you be willing to work for a company that pays well, but has a poor workplace environment?

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