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Government Spent More Than KSH. 1 Billion On Ghost Students In High School

BY Getrude Mathayo · July 1, 2021 12:07 pm


The Auditor General also found that 26.8 million shillings were sent to schools whose existence was in doubt.

According to the new 2019-2020 financial year, the government paid 1.8 billion shillings to ghost students in secondary school.

The Auditors General report showed that massive wastage in the ministry often claims to be underfunded by the exchequer.

The Auditor claims that the overpayment arose from ‘’erroneous computations of July and September 2019 disbursements, inflation of enrolment numbers in January 2020 and double payments to some schools’’

Nancy Gathungu, the Auditor General, claims that the overpayment of subsidies was to two thousand six hundred and ten (2610) public secondary schools in different counties.

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That was not the only anomaly with the education ministry, as the Auditor General also found that 26.8 million shillings were sent to schools whose existence was in doubt.

According to the report, the 5 schools the monies were disbursed to had questionable status as they did not have registration certificates.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) appointment letters and posting of the Principals, Boards of Management minutes approving the opening of bank accounts, and other documents required under the State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education annual guidelines on disbursement of Free Day Secondary Education Funds (FDSE).

‘’In the circumstances, it is not possible to confirm the accuracy and validity of the reported subsidies of Kshs.58,778,993,798 for the year ended 30 June 2020,” the report says.

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The ministry was also put on the spot over the expenditure of millions of shillings being payment of rental charges for office space for various State Department’s offices in the counties.

According to Auditor General Nancy Gathungu, she claimed that she could not authentic payment of 86 Million shillings paid for rent because valid lease agreements and approvals for the procurement of the offices were not provided for audit verification.

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