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Rewarding And Recognizing Outstanding Employees Is What Makes A Great Workplace

BY Soko Directory Team · July 15, 2021 04:07 pm


Employees are the driving force behind any company. A high employee turnover curtails the growth and development of a firm.

Employees are the driving force behind any company. A high employee turnover curtails the growth and development of a firm.

A workforce brings diversity to a company, providing various unique perspectives, skills, and expertise.

You must keep your employees satisfied to ensure their loyalty to the company. A company with a high employee turnover can never grow properly.

To keep your workforce content and entice potential candidates to join your team, you must offer something more than just money.

Kenya has a very vibrant workforce and a strong work culture that has seen most neighboring countries strive to tap into. Kenyans are among the most hardworking people. The best workforce lies in the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Despite this fact, it is evident that organizations are still grappling with creating a strong high-performance culture that also fosters a positive working environment among employees.

Many firms are also trying to develop clear reward systems that enhance performance and retention of top talent. Rarely do employees get rewarded outside their workspaces hence a need for a neutral reward system that recognizes employees outside their organizations is needed.

Creating a balance between having a motivated organizational workforce and still, one that is centered towards
performance delivery is key.

Every employer needs better results. No one hires someone and pays them for doing nothing. With the high unemployment rate in Kenya, some employers have ended capitalizing on the desperation of employees to exploit them.

The best way to appreciate employees is to recognize them with an award. An award does not need to be in form of monetary. A simple “thank you” can be enough to uplift the spirits of your employees.

To help employees be proud and love what they do, the Employee of the Year Award was born. The Employee of the Year Awards (ETYA) sponsored by Workpay is a first-of-its-kind event that will see organizations take part in and recognize and celebrate their employees.

The initiative provides a platform for human resource managers and leaders to recognize employee efforts on a day-to-day basis ensuring that organizations run smoothly by fostering best practices.

These practices enhance strong team dynamics and help employees form effective relations with their respective stakeholders hence increase their level of satisfaction.

Five things you should know about your employees:

They are human

We are all human. Your employees are human too. Treat them as human. The only thing that sets us apart from wild animals is the realization that we are human. Be human.

Pay your employees

The sole reason why your employees wake up every morning to come to work is that they want to be paid. They don’t do so because they love you or your company/business. Pay your employees.

Pay your employees on time

This ails most SMEs within and without Nairobi. The truth is businesses are struggling and in the event that you can’t be able to pay your employees on time, inform them in good time for them to be prepared.

Your employees have needs

Every human being has a need and most needs need money. That is why they wake up to go to work. Do not assume that your employees have no needs. They have. Help them meet them.

Most of your employees pay rent

Most, if not all of your employees pay rent. In Nairobi, for instance, most rent is due on the fifth day of every month. As an employer, you must always put this in mind and it should guide your payment schedule.

They are your business

Your business is not the product. Not the services. It is your employees. Treat your employees well and they will treat your customers well. Treat them as garbage and that is how they will treat your customers.

Who is Workpay:

Workpay Africa is an end-to-end HR management solution that empowers fast-growing companies to keep track of HR processes, payroll employee benefits, statutory compliance, and salary disbursement to banks and mobile wallets.

It provides a complete overhaul to the paper-based payroll system. The management team has over 30 years’ cumulative work experience in the implementation of resource planning solutions, with a team of 35 people spread between Kenya and Nigeria.

Soko Directory is a Financial and Markets digital portal that tracks brands, listed firms on the NSE, SMEs and trend setters in the markets eco-system. Find us on Facebook: and on Twitter:

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