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A Cabbage For Ksh 90 As Prices Rise By 125%

BY Juma · August 28, 2021 10:08 am


Do you have cabbage? Time to make money. 1-kilogram at Ksh 90.

If you have cabbage on your farm, it is time to make some money. The price has increased by 125 percent across the country.

In Nairobi, cabbage weighing one kilogram is going between 90 and 100 shillings from just 40 shillings a month ago. And it is not easy to find.

“There is a shortage. Sometimes we have to go to Laikipia to get some. Those who used to supply us with the vegetable are no longer coming,” said Irene Wanjiku, a trader at Ngara Market (Nairobi).

In Mombasa, traders say they are selling a 1-kilogram cabbage between 95 and 120 shillings. This is the highest price in decades according to Fatuma (Mombasa).

In Laikipia, where the prices have always been the cheapest, (one could get cabbage for just 3 shillings), now the price is from 15 shillings. Farmers are happy.

In Eldoret, the price of the same size is 50 shillings but the looming shortage could see the prices rise soon.

The price is highest in Mandera. A kilogram is going for 150 shillings. In some places for 200 shillings. But, there is no supply.

There is an acute shortage of cabbages around the country. Farmers attribute it to the general failure of rain that led to the destruction of the crop.

At the same time, the price of tomatoes is likely to go up in less than a month. Currently, a sizeable tomato is going between 10 and 15 shillings but traders say suppliers are warning of a shortage.

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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