Money and blood carry the same DNA imprint that is key to humanity. To understand money we must understand how blood works. Dracula was keen on what blood to suck on. He knew that sucking the wrong blood would affect him negatively.
To understand The Psychology Of Money, we need to understand the Psychology of Blood. Blood and Money have a similar DNA imprint in terms of their essence, importance & how it affects our lives. This story is courtesy of a thread that ran @SokoAnalyst’s Twitter account.
To understand The Psychology Of Money, we need to understand the Psychology of Blood. Blood and Money have a similar DNA imprint in terms of their essence, importance & how it affects our lives.
— SokoAnalyst (@SokoAnalyst) August 30, 2021
Money and blood carry the same DNA imprint that is key to humanity. To understand money we must understand how blood works. Dracula was keen on what blood to suck on. He knew that sucking the wrong blood would affect him negatively.
Though this is folklore, tells us a lot about how money has evolved as we look at the history of blood. They are both the essence of humanity and it’s important to understand the secrets of money which no one will ever share.
Dracula was keen because every blood had its own essence that could kill him or make him more powerful or more thirsty. Yes, it’s Folklore but it gives us a glimpse of why blood is key.
The same can be said of why when we get a blood transfusion, a lot of critical tests are done to ensure that the blood is the right type, has the right levels of key ingredients before you are given.
Different blood samples have different ingredients. Same to Money. Same DNA, just different mediums. If you understand the relevance of blood, you will understand the Psychology Of Money.
As blood carries our past, present & future in-print, so does money do the same. Our blood stores the data of our ancestors in a unique way. Our successes, failures, triumphs are defined by this blood that runs in our veins.
As blood carries our past, present & future in-print, so does money do the same. Our blood stores the data of our ancestors in a unique way. Our successes, failures, triumphs are defined by this blood that runs in our veins.
— SokoAnalyst (@SokoAnalyst) August 30, 2021
Our blood carries the data of curses, blessings, power, poverty, wealth, diseases, sexual prowess, supernatural gifts, hope, fear, unique character attributes. This data defines who we are. The essence of fate & destiny.
The reason why blood is KEY just look at the history of sacrifices. Blood is always shed. It’s the glue for eternal covenants. Blood oaths were common in African traditional settings too.
Money has a similar DNA essence & blood and sweat have been shed to acquire money. Look at the top families in be the world that controls the top wealth and properties. From the Royal Family in the UK to the Saudis.
Money operates in the same realm as blood BUT it’s physical in operation but the underlying design sequence is the same as blood. How it’s acquired, how it operates.
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Money values a positive proposition. Money moves towards where it’s appreciated & valued on creating the essence of wealth. Money abhors vacuum minds and hates poor people.
Isn’t that the reason why in the Bible we are told the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer? Isn’t it so? Look at Kenya. Look at the wealth disparity.
Money is a form of sacrifice that opens the realm of wealth creation. Just as blood creates protection as the Blood of Jesus. Money is the fuel that makes the world move.
Money is a form of sacrifice that opens the realm of wealth creation. Just as blood creates protection as the Blood of Jesus. Money is the fuel that makes the world move.
— SokoAnalyst (@SokoAnalyst) August 30, 2021
Jesus Christ shed His blood at the cross to atone for our sins and pay the ultimate price. Countless sacrifices before His Act were performed in the days of Moses. This shows just how powerful blood is.
Your blood can be clean with powerful attributes or dirty with sickness and negative virtues. Same as money. We have seen the Wash Wash trends for days. Is that clean money or dirty money? Is that money you want to be proud of?
People have been killed to acquire wealth. Families have broken because of money. People have let freedom define their essence when it comes to money. Money also carries the attributes of blood.
Money carries blessings. Money carries curses. Money carries the power to shift the purposes of generations. Money is the medium of exchange across the globe. The reason why it’s difficult to get it. You have to work for it. Blood and Sweat.
If you acquire dirty money you will attract curses for you and your generations to come. Same as blood. Blood is the medium that carries the same from generation to generation only atonement can stop the transfer.
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People do crazy stuff for money from working the right way to worshiping the devil to being faithful to God to organized crime to corruption not knowing that each action will leave a footprint.
Some families thrive from generation to generation. Some thrive for one generation & it’s war and poverty from there when their Patriarch or Matriarch dies. Ever wondered why this is so? Their blood is tainted with curses. Their mine was never genuine from the word go.
Money is potent. Money has a Psychology that few understand. The first trait is that it’s a sacrifice. We must give Caesar what belongs to him. We must Tithe 10% of what we get to God. These were clear commandments from Jesus. Why would God ask us to do this? The DNA aspect.
Why are we reminded to tithe? Why is this sacrifice important. Why is taxation important. These are the fundamental aspects of money. If you want your wealth to increase, tithe consistently. If you want to protect your wealth, pay your taxes on time.
Wealth comes from God. It’s in Deuteronomy 28:8 which talks of God blessing you and filling your barn. To make heaven move & take you to the level, tithing is important to open the gates of blessings. To go to the next level of wealth creation, tithing is the KEY.
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To understand The Psychology Of Money, we need to understand the Psychology of Blood. Blood and Money have a similar DNA imprint in terms of their essence, importance & how it affects our lives.
— SokoAnalyst (@SokoAnalyst) August 30, 2021