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Kenya’s Tourist Arrivals Up 74.5 Percent In November

BY Jane Muia · December 28, 2022 01:12 pm

The number of tourists visiting Kenya in the 11 months to November increased by 74.5 percent compared to a similar period last year.

The latest data by the Kenya Tourism Board(KTB), shows the total number of arrivals in Kenya during the period was 1,321,887 from 870,465 arrivals in the same period last year.

Holiday has remained the main purpose of visiting Kenya by international tourists with 39.6 percent of the total arrivals coming to the country for holiday during the period under review

This was followed by those visiting family and friends whose total was 274, 722 while Business and MICE arrivals accounted for 26.1 percent of the total, with 345,123 visitors arriving.

The United States was the top market for Kenyan tourism followed by Uganda and the UK at 190,187 (14.4 percent), 132,942 (10.1 percent), and 117,691 (8.9 percent) visitors respectively.

Tanzania and India recorded a total of 110,603 (8.4 percent) and 74,020 (5.6 percent) visitors respectively, to close the top five list.

The Ministry of Tourism projects an increase in the number of total arrivals this year to 1.4 million, an increase from the 870,467 recorded at the end of December last year when the country was still battling the effects of the covid 19 pandemic.

Earnings are expected to grow to 265.4 billion shillings up from 146.5 billion shillings recorded in the full year 2021. Kenya forecasts to have 1.9 million international tourists next year with the number expected to grow to 2.2 million in 2024. A full recovery in international numbers is expected between 2023 and 2024.

The country’s best year currently remains 2019 when arrivals hit a high of 2.04 million visitors with earnings of 296.2 billion shillings. The Ministry of Tourism expects a full recovery to 2019 levels by 2024.

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