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Instructions And Requirements Of Joining JSS As Students Reports Today

BY Getrude Mathayo · January 30, 2023 12:01 pm


Parents are expected to cover the expense of the uniform which can be purchased from any uniform shop as long as they match the school’s colors. Furthermore, the schools have effectively prequalified three uniform retailers. The parent is free to shop at any time and from any vendor.

Junior Secondary School, JSS, students are reporting to school on 30th January, ushering in the second part of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).  However, the implementation is hampered by a lack of infrastructure and financing shortfalls, with the government yet to provide the promised capitation of 15,000 shillings per learner.

The B.O.M. is responsible for the management of schools. The school parents’ association, which comprises all parents assist the BOM in implementing the school policy to facilitate the effective management of the school.

The teaching and non-teaching staff carry out the day-to-day duties and responsibilities which helps in the effective implementation of school programs. Concerns remain about whether there is enough land, classrooms, and laboratories, as well as a sufficient supply of water and power, to accommodate junior secondary schools (JSS).

In disadvantaged areas, schools will share resources with their neighbors. The Ministry of Education stated in its recommendations that the collaboration will significantly benefit the teaching of practical subjects such as integrated science, agriculture, computer science, home science, and the visual and performing arts.

Other facilities to be shared include playing fields, open spaces, athletics, games, physical fitness equipment, and health services.

Admission Requirements

You are required to obtain the following documents for presentation during registration

  1. KPSEA assessment report (original and photocopy)
  2. Copy of Birth certificate
  3. Copy of parent/ guardian identification document ( ID/Passport)
  4. two passport photographs
  5. Grade 7 assessment book
  6. 15 Exercise books
  7. One ream of photocopying papers
  8. Two spring files
  9. A locker and a chair
  10. Writing pen
  11. Bible/Koran

Parents are expected to cover the expense of the uniform which can be purchased from any uniform shop as long as they match the school’s colors. Furthermore, the schools have effectively prequalified three uniform retailers. The parent is free to shop at any time and from any vendor.

The school will provide a meal program for day scholars at a cost of KSH… per term. This program is entirely optional. Students who opt out of the program, on the other hand, will be expected to bring a packed lunch because the class duration is spread from morning to afternoon.

The school has a boarding section, and enrolled students will be provided with the necessary services for a fee. In addition, parents will contribute personal goods needed by their children while boarding. NB: Boarding is optional. The Government will pay 15,000 shillings per learner for junior secondary learners who are day scholars. However, parents admitting learners to a boarding school will meet the boarding facility cost.

Related Content: List Of All Government-Approved Books For Junior Secondary Schools

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