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Land Sector Actors Launch An Umbrella To Secure Land Tenure For Kenyans

BY Soko Directory Team · July 19, 2024 10:07 am

As the Kenyan population continues to grow, people are increasingly looking for pieces of land to settle in. This has ended up putting pressure on the available land. The pressure and the demand have led to the prices of land within the country skyrocketing to a proportional level.

Land in Kenya is the new gold with everyone wanting to have a piece of each. This has led to a rise in land grabbing practices by individuals within and without the government. At the same time, the government has tried to come up with laws that have been deemed punitive when it comes to owning land.

It is because of the rather open threat to land ownership and land tenure in Kenya that land sector actors in the country have come together to launch a Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for all Kenyans.

Dubbed the ‘Ardhi Caucus on Secure Land Tenure for All’, the platform aims to enhance land tenure security for all women and men in Kenya as a means to contribute to poverty reduction, building climate resilience, and overall sustainable development.

According to the proponents of the umbrella initiative, the Ardhi Caucus is a joint initiative between Landesa and Kenya Land Alliance (KLA).

Read Also: Kenyan Land Amendment Bill: A Clear Call For Rejection

Landesa is a global NGO that champions and works to secure land rights for millions of the world’s poorest, mostly rural women and men, to provide opportunity and promote social justice.

Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) is an umbrella network of Civil Society Organizations and individuals committed to effective advocacy for the reform of policies and laws governing land in Kenya.

 Ardhi Caucus will operate around 5 thematic areas: Protection, Recognition, and Promotion of Communally held Land, tenure security for smallholder farmers, access to Land Justice, Women’s Land Rights, Climate Change Adaptation, and Mitigation.

 The Caucus is expected to offer solutions to land governance challenges caused by the silo approach to land sector management by fostering a united front and harnessing resources through a well-coordinated approach.

By involving both state and non-state actors, the Caucus seeks to leverage each other’s technical expertise, capacities, and strengths towards expediting the actualization of gender transformative, community responsive, and inclusive land tenure security.

The body aims to become thought leaders on matters of land tenure by collectively developing evidence-based action research studies while bolstering the capacities of the different stakeholders toward the effective realization of tenure security.

It also wants to mobilize resources toward the achievement of gender-transformative land tenure security and establish remedy mechanisms for the facilitation of land tenure security in different contexts.

The land reform process in Kenya has witnessed a lot of institutional, ideological, and practice changes and challenges from 2009 when the Sessional Paper No. 3 (National Land Policy) was adopted. The momentum was further reinforced by the 2010 Constitution, which is very progressive on land rights.

After the passing of the Constitution, the country developed very progressive land laws which ignited a lot of hope in transitioning from Land Questions to Land Answers. The stakes in the land reforms discourse remain high as it is embedded in economic growth, distribution of resources, social cohesion, poverty reduction, and wealth creation.

Even though good progress was made in the development of relevant land laws immediately after the promulgation of the 2010 constitution, there have been bottlenecks in the implementation.

Read Also: Channeling Female Leadership For Sustainable Land Management In Kenya

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