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Achievements IFMIS Re-engineering Has Made

BY · September 28, 2015 08:09 am

IFMIS Re-engineering has made great strides since its launch in February 2011 and the quality of service in terms of finance management is more efficient than ever before.

IFMIS plan to budget system has been rolled out to ministries, departments, agencies and the counties and the system is now used to develop National and County Budgets.

The system is able to capture approved budgets for previous and current financial years. Details on inflows and outflows of funds as well as complete inventories and also, the Standard Chart Accounts was developed and adopted.

The roll out of Cash Management, Purchase Order, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets as well as General Ledger modules to the National as well as to the County Governments has been a success.

The system has provided uniformity in budgeting and reporting by MDAs and Counties and there has been a complete roll out of e-procurement to MDAs, Counties and state corporations.

There has been the provision of a harmonized and coordinated government wide budgeting and accounting systems thereby eliminating wasteful expenditure as well as the duplication of resources.

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