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Kenya Power to Reduce Connection Costs to Sh15000

BY Soko Directory Team · January 4, 2016 08:01 am

Kenya Power will connect homes to the national grid for Sh15, 000 from Sh35, 000 previously, and will allow those connected to pay the fee over 36 months.

Last Mile Connectivity Project  launched by President Uhuru Kenyatta in May 2015 is now back on its feet after implementation delays, it has enabled Kenya Power to adopt a low cost connection model that will see it use single, thinner and lighter cables as well as smaller poles to lower the connection cost by more than half.

The first phase of the project is valued at Sh15.3 billion ($150 million) as Kenya Power intends to connect 314,200 homes by 2017 increasing homes with electricity to about 4.5 million, up from one million in 2010. The total cost of the project stands at Sh34 billion, and will see a total of 814,000 homes hooked to the grid.

The low fee will help accelerate electrification of rural and village economies as residents open up businesses.

Kenya Power will now approach potential customers in the neighborhood and offer to hook them to the grid, easing up applications for connection,

The low-cost connectivity is relief to thousands of rural consumers who could not afford the Sh70, 000 and above that Kenya Power demanded for homes located outside the 600 meters radius of a transformer.


Article by Mercy Kariuki.

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