Equity Group closed the week as the top gainer at the NSE on Friday. The lender gained 9.24 percent at the price of 32.50 shillings per share followed by National Bank of Kenya with a gain of 6.87 percent at the price of 7.00 shillings per share.
See the table below:
The image below shows how the top gainers fared on:
Analyzing the top gainer of the day: Equity Group
Equity Group had a volume of 4.56M, a total turnover of 140.23M and its 52-week range stands at 24.25-46.00.
Trans-Century was the top loser of the day with 9.66 percent at the price of 6.55 shillings per share followed by Nation Media Group with a loss of 6.67 percent at the price 112.00 shillings per share.
See the table below:
The image below shows how the top losers of the day fared on:
Analyzing the top loser of the day at the NSE: Trans-Century
Trans-Century had a volume of 300 and a total turnover of 1,965.00 while its 52-week range stands at 4.20-14.50.
The table below shows the most traded in shares at the NSE on Thursday